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It can be hard for nannies to know how much they should be charging their families to care for their children and the household. If you’re not careful to really know how much you’re worth, you could end up overworked, underpaid, and burnt out. Today, we’re talking about knowing your worth as a nanny.

Today, we’re going to be looking at how this feeling affects nannies and what you can do about it if you suffer from nanny-guilt. 

Nannying is a real job

Never forget, as a nanny, you are doing real work. Many people think you’re just lounging around at someone’s house with a baby. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Nannies do a ton of work, and it’s important that families recognize that.

One family I was interviewing heard my rate and said:

“I think that’s a little much. Our last nanny was only” half of the rate I quoted them.

I got a different job. 

Don’t accept jobs for less than you’re worth. Doing so sets unrealistic expectations in parent’s minds and makes it harder for other nannies to get fair wages. 

You may have heard that nannying “isn’t a real job.” But, ask yourself: “what does that even mean?” The fact is, the people who say that imagine nannying is for girls in high school who will work for below minimum wage. 

Nannying is a career that can support a family. You don’t have to get paid enough to only scrape by. While I do keep my personal expenses low, I don’t need to. I travel the world and have extra time to volunteer. 

Nannies produce value

Parents need to leave the home and go earn money. But, they have a child in need of care and attention. They can’t care for their children and work a full time job simultaneously. 

Nannies are what allow parents to earn the money they do. If a pair of parent earn $100,000 a year, they did it because they had you. That $100,000 is a direct result of your work. Don’t be afraid to charge accordingly for the value you’re providing. 

Beyond cold, hard numbers, you also provide an incalculable value: the continued well-being of their child. Ask a parent what the most valuable thing in their life is, they’ll say “my kids.” What you do has clear value.

Consider your assets

An asset is anything that you provide the parents. 

  • Years of experience
  • Second languages
  • Tutoring 
  • Childhood development education 
  • Higher education
  • Safety certification
  • Organization skills
  • House Cleaning services
  • Animal care
  • Household management 

Your assets are the skills, experience, and services you provide the parent. These increase the value you can bring to parents. If parents say they can’t afford your rates, offer fewer assets. Don’t tutor their kid, or don’t care for the animals. Keep removing services until we get to a price they can afford. 

What does a nanny make?

“How much could I be charging?” Answering that question has traditionally been harder than it sounds but, once you know the answer your career will take off. 

My Nanny Rates Calculator will help give you an idea of what you could be making as a nanny. Once you calculate your wages, don’t accept anything less – TRUST ME. 

After you’ve done that, ask other nannies in the area what they charge. They may be able to help you navigate the local nanny economy better. But, be careful: other nannies may be charging too little for their services. 

Speak confidently 

You are worth it. Remember that, and speak like you’re worth it. Confident language and tone will impress your worth into the minds of potential and current clientele. 

Don’t use language like

  • feel
  • might
  • maybe
  • think
  • just
  • only


Using language like this when talking about your services and value can negatively impact the family’s perception of you and your worth. Speaking confidently will instill trust in you and your services. They’ll know that their most valuable possession, their child, is in good hands. 

Help other nannies feel confident in their worth

If you know other nannies, share this information with them. Help other nannies to see the value they provide and be confident about what they do. You can get started here. Leave an encouraging note for other nannies in the comments. The more nannies are confident in their worth, the better a career nannying becomes for all of us. 

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